ASSAAR provides you with assistance in plagiarism checks and services of rephrasing/ reword/ rewrite the plagiarized sections of an academic paper, thesis, dissertation, synopsis, and report. Be sure to edit your research paper carefully and check for plagiarism before turning it in to the class. The steps above are essential for research paper writing. Using plagiarism checker services such as Turnit in is a great way to assess your paraphrasing and other anti-plagiarism skills. Most educators and educational institutions are using some kind of plagiarism checker software to check students’ papers. Do not take the chance of not checking your research paper. Plagiarism could mean the loss of your academic degree or career.
The best defense against plagiarism is knowledge and the practice of effective writing skills. Learning how to paraphrase, quote, and to properly cite and reference material is critical. A writer will never gain good writing skills if he or she does not create their own work. Not procrastinating and beginning papers early will help to squelch the temptation to cheat by plagiarizing. The writer’s academic, professional, and personal reputation is too valuable to lose over a moment of laziness or weakness. Using a plagiarism checker is a helpful way to check for plagiarism, even accidental, and ensure that writing is original and well cited