Slides or figures for use in a scientific talk or poster are unique visual media that require both well-written text and effective graphics to clearly communicate scientific ideas. Good slide and poster content, format, and design contribute to your ability to effectively and accurately transmit your ideas and interpretations to your audience. Unfortunately, most scientists have not been taught the diverse skills needed to develop good oral or poster presentations.
This is where ASSAAR can help. Our editors will edit and proofread your slides or poster presentation to ensure the most effective dissemination of information possible. Our editors are experts in emphasizing key points, removing clutter, and creating a bold look, all to achieve the maximum clarity. We typically edit slide and poster presentations in Word or PowerPoint. If you prefer a different file format, just contact us to discuss your request.
ASSAAR can save you time and improve the quality of your work. Email or Call Us today to discuss your presentation editing needs.