Scientific abstracts provide a structured summary of your manuscript, grant, or meeting presentation. The abstract often provides the only information that a reader will use to form a first opinion about your work. Thus, abstracts must be brief while clearly describing key elements that capture the reader’s interest and convincing them of the significance and rigor of your work.Because abstracts are so condensed, it is a challenge to provide a clear and complete description of your study that it is also grammatically correct. This is where ASSAAR can help.
Our language experts will polish your abstract to perfection. Because our editors are also scientists, we can revise your abstract into a more readable, grammatically correct text while highlighting your key points and the significance of your work. These revisions help readers understand the work summarized by your abstract and broaden its appeal to researchers beyond your immediate subject area. Our editorial assistance also allows you to focus on your research rather than toiling over the meticulous, time-consuming details involved with perfecting an abstract.
ASSAAR can save you time and improve the quality of your work. Email or Call Us today to discuss your abstract editing needs.