ASSAAR provides wide-ranging proofreading and editing services for the authors of academic, scientific and professional documents. Our academic and scientific proofreaders and editors are highly educated in many different subject areas and carefully trained to work on documents of all kinds, so whatever sort of document you are writing, we have the experience and expertise to help you improve its grammar, spelling, punctuation, references and formatting until they are polished to perfection.
We understand how important it is that your editor’s expertise matches the subject of your paper. All of our editors are Ph.D or M.D. trained scientists with years of experience in their chosen fields. Our strict Editing Process ensures that every document is edited first by a subject matter expert and second by an expert language reviewer. Other editing companies may use graduate students or editors without a background in science. This can lead to a poorly edited document with grammatical errors, or worse, complete misinterpretation of your work.
ASSAAR can save you time and improve the quality of your documents. Email or Call Us today to discuss your scientific editing needs.