Editor in Chief: Dr Munir Ahmed
Editor: Dr. Safdar Husain Tahir
Associate Editor: Dr. Islam Al-Refaey Abdel Halim Al-Hag Abdou
ISSN Online:
ISSN Print:

Publication Frequency: 12 issues per year (Semi Annually)
Area of Publication: Education & Psychology
Subscription Price: £300

Published: Current Online Issue                Previous Issue           Available Issues

Information: Journal Information             Review Panel             Author Guidelines

About the journal

British Journal of Education and Psychology (BJEP) is published by Academy of Social Scientific And Applied Research (ASSAAR). ASSAAR is a unique global forum that brings together people from across the world to discuss the key issues relating to psychology and education that will become of core importance due to the essential information resource for today’s professionals, academicians and managers.

BJEP provides a unique focus on is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of education and psychology. The journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business and government contributors on strategies, tools and techniques.

BJEP reports new insight and foster critical debate about the role that education plays in development. Aspects of development with which the journal is concerned include economic growth and poverty reduction; human development, wellbeing, the availability of human rights; democracy, social cohesion and peace-building; resilience and environmental sustainability.

BJEP seeks to help make available new evidence-based theories and understandings as to the extent and nature of educational change in diverse settings. It stresses the importance of appreciating the interplay of local, national, regional and global contexts and dynamics in shaping education and development.

Traditional notions of development concerning growth, industrialization and poverty reduction are under scrutiny. While much attention in the past has concentrated on school achievement and other empirical products of schooling there is a new awareness of education’s role in affecting community social cohesion and other social goals. The notion of development itself is broadening, both as a theoretical construct and in its policy and program manifestations. Education is prominent in discussions and critiques of development. Here too perspectives may vary.

Education is designed to promote human capability and better the chances for social justice, promote competitiveness and productivity; reduce inequality, poverty and disease; mitigate conflict and crisis. At the same time, education is also being scrutinized for entrenching differences; challenging local values and culture; and for fostering counterproductive experiences of many pupils.

BJEP is concerned with education in its broadest sense, including formal and non-formal modes, from preschool to adult education. BJEP is interested in comparative studies that lead to new insights and challenge orthodox theories; that have potential for policy impact; and that apply to broad range of settings, including industrial democracies as well as low and middle income countries, countries in political transition and countries recovering from armed conflict and social unrest.

The BJEP also considers papers that look at education and development through the policies and practices of official development assistance and commercial education trade. The BJEP does not encourage articles which may be more appropriate for journals of pedagogy, education technology and psychology unless the relevance to feasible public policy is clearly demonstrated. BJEP engages these approaches to deepen understanding of the relationship between education policy and development.

BJEP publishes research, theoretical statements, philosophical arguments, and critical syntheses of a field of educational inquiry. The journal strives to bridge the gap between academia and practice, hence it also publishes viewpoints from practitioners, case studies and research notes of emerging trends of cutting edge topics are also welcome.

Readers will benefit from reports on the latest findings, new initiatives and cutting edge methodologies. Readers around the globe will have a greater understanding of the cultural orientation of business in the international market and will be kept up to date with new insights of upcoming trends.

The objective of ASSAAR is to promote the exchange of knowledge, experience, information and ideas among academicians, scholars, professionals, policy & decision makers, industry, executives and students to improve the mutual understanding of the aspects of marketing, role of marketing managers in achieving sustainable development and growth of organizations all over the world.


ASSAAR aims as a forum for academics, practitioners and policymakers from around the world to exchange concepts, research, and best practices about education and psychology. The journal aims to integrate the study of these disciplines to achieve best practices and skills which helps to stimulate debate amongst scholars, researchers, practitioners and policymakers across the world with a view to defining common, effective responses to tomorrow’s challenges.

ASSAAR encourages Guest Editors to submit proposals for Special Issues addressing specific issue(s) of the broad theme of the journal or resulting from relevant conferences. ASSAAR will also consider themed special issues with a focus on a particular country or a region.


  • Original and applied research which critically examines the inter-relationship between the natural, the governmental, the economic and the social dimensions of our world.
  • Fundamental and applied research on all aspects of psychology and education aspects
  • Explores behavioral and managerial issues relating to all aspects of psychology and education from a global perspective.
  • General and technical reviews of topical and/or controversial subjects which inform and stimulate debate.
  • Literature review or viewpoint on a particular topic or trend.

Editorial Criteria

  • The journal supports interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to the education and psychology and encourages original thinking which will contribute to knowledge and understanding in these areas.
  • Articles based on empirical work are strongly encouraged, as are conceptual papers which are founded on a strong literature base and which provide a basis for theoretical development to advance the field.
  • There is no methodological preference: papers on the continuum from quantitative data-based studies to qualitative case studies are equally welcome.
  • The journal’s focus is on the interpretation of research and how the results of research may be translated into practice.

Key Journal Audiences

  • Academics and researchers in the field at universities and business schools
  • Chief executives
  • Managing directors
  • Strategic development and planning managers
  • Consultants
  • Quality managers and directors
  • Human resource managers and directors
  • Intellectual asset managers
  • Benchmarking managers
  • Professionals
  • Researchers
  • Business & Nonprofit Organizations

Subject coverage includes

The journal recognizes the dynamic impact of psychology and education to the international arena. An in-depth understanding of the latest trends and developments is imperative for firms and organizations to arm themselves with competitive advantages in the 21st century.

The journal addresses a broad range of topics which are relevant to organizations and reflective of knowledge management and innovation. Papers can address topics theoretically or empirically through either a descriptive or critical approach. BJEP includes, but is not restricted to:

Abstracted and indexed in

  • Coming soon…

British Journal of Education and Psychology (BJEP) is available as part of an online subscription to the ASSAAR Journals. For more information, please email submissions@assaar.co.uk  or bjep@assaar.co.uk or visit the Submission Page on the website.